carIn a world of short attention spans, the idea that you could have someone’s attention for the 50 minutes they spend in their car each day is very appealing.  So it’s easy to see why the concept of a connected car is very attractive to auto-manufacturers looking to create new revenue streams, software developers looking to build in-car applications and advertisers looking for new opportunities to reach consumers.


What is not entirely clear yet is what applications will consumers embrace, what are the most promising opportunities for content providers to deliver digital content to vehicles, and who will be the winners in this burgeoning ecosystem.


 SNS Research just released a report in which they estimate that by 2020, connected car services will account for nearly US$40 billion in annual revenue. This growth is driven by a host of applications, including infotainment, navigation, fleet management, remote diagnostics, automatic crash notification, enhanced safety, UBI (Usage Based Insurance), traffic management and even autonomous driving.