Online LearningBy Christopher Ross


Elementary schools are using state-of-the-art software to teach kids with creative, predictive learning platforms. Meanwhile, post-secondary educational institutions are so advanced in online learning, they are now even partnering with leading corporations to create Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC’s) that work for training and online education.

Online education is growing at a remarkable rate and represents new opportunities and challenges for educators, technologists and students alike. Many educators and innovators in the space are suggesting the industry is poised for tremendous change. At the opening keynote of EDUCAUSE 2014 in October, Harvard business professor Clayton Christensen suggested we are poised for massive disruption as a result of new offerings in online learning. But where will this disruption emerge? One thing is clear, there is no singular big idea that will prove to be the individual catalyst. Instead, it will likely be the sum of three key variables: current trends, challenges and having a deep understanding of the current student-consumer.

There are countless changes and advances being made in online education, the following portend five of the big drivers in the coming year.

